Degrees Offered

Holmes Bible College offers one Associate of Arts (2-year) degree in Christian Ministry and Bachelor (4-year) degrees in Bible and Theology and Christian Ministry.The general education courses are taught from a Christian perspective, and the content is specifically structured for ministers in training. Holmes offers a four-dimensional approach to ministerial education and Christian service, Bible and Theology, general education, and practical ministry. This approach enables students to comprehend the truth, understand the world around them, and bridge the gap between the two by acquiring effective ministry techniques.

Internship Information

Holmes Bible College requires each student to perform an Internship consisting of at least 200 hours of supervised ministry experience. Though many Internship placements will require some menial tasks, students should expect to perform at least one major ministry task during their Internship experience. Except in unusual circumstances, students should not plan to perform the Internship within their home churches. Placement and training are offered through the academic affairs office. Two credit hours are given for the Internship.

PRM 428 Internship has been replaced with the following course, CEY 201 Courtship, Marriage and Family, as a requirement for veteran students. PRM 428 Internship is an elective course for veterans. If a veteran student selects internship as an elective the veteran will not be certified for this course. He/she must find some other means to pay for the course.

Family Rights and Privacy Act

Holmes Bible College complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts of 1974 that sets up requirements designed to protect the privacy of records for students and parents of dependent students. The college informs the student about the right of access to his or her file and limitations thereon. It also informs the student of those things which shall be considered a matter of directory information, which according to law, can be released without permission. These may include the following: the name of the student, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and honors awarded, and previous schools attended.The designation of the above information as directory information means that it may be released to third parties, such as news releases. Students may request that directory information not be released to third parties. Non-directory information, notably grade reports, is released to third parties only on written request of the student.